Karlobag location

A town between the Velebit mountain chain and the sea, located on the important Adriatic Highway connecting Rijeka with Dubrovnik, and leading towards the interior, towards Gospić, the Plitvice Lakes and Zagreb.

Karlobag is a marvelous connection of the Mediterranean and the continent, with a crystal clear sea and the most beautiful Croatian mountain chain reachable by car in only a few minutes. Next to Karlobag, the center of the municipality, there are wonderful places on its Riviera such as: Ribarica, Cesarica, Lukovo Šugarje, Barić Draga and Sv. Marija Magdalena, and on the Velebit there is Baške Oštarije.

Karlobag is a locality of the Mediterranean and the continental Velebit style, with a rich and varied culinary offer. Karlobag has a Mediterranean climate and in September the weather is still pleasant and warm. The average daily temperature in summer is 28°C and the sea temperature in summer is around 25°C. There are plenty of sunny days even during winter.

Ako ste mislili svoj ljetni odmor provesti uživajući u apsolutnom miru, ne radeći ništa, nemojte ni pomišljati na Karlobag jer Karlobažani su za svoje goste osmislili aktivno ljeto krcato događanjima i mogućnostima.Karlobažani su za Vas pripremili veselo i nezaboravno ljeto...
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Tourist Board Karlobag

Trg Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
Karlobag 53288

00385 (0)53 694 251

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