Welcome to the pages of the Karlobag Municipality Tourist Board!

Gradić između Velebita i mora, smješten je na važnom cestovnom pravcu koji jadranskom magistralom vodi od Rijeke prema Dubrovniku, a prema unutrašnjosti ka Gospiću, Plitvičkim jezerima i Zagrebu. Karlobag je čudesan spoj Mediterana i kontinenta, kristalno čistog mora i najljepše hrvatske planine do koje ima tek nekoliko minuta vožnje.
Uz samo mjesto Karlobag koji je i općinsko sjedište, najveća mjesta rivijere su: Ribarica, Cesarica, Lukovo Šugarje, Barić Draga i Sv. Marija Magdalena, na Velebitu Baške Oštarije.
A town between the Velebit mountain chain and the sea, located on the important Adriatic Highway connecting Rijeka with Dubrovnik, and leading towards the interior, towards Gospić,  the Plitvice Lakes and Zagreb.

Karlobag is a marvelous connection of the Mediterranean and the continent, with a crystal clear sea and the most beautiful Croatian mountain chain reachable by car in only a few minutes. Next to Karlobag, the center of the municipality, there are wonderful places on its Riviera such as: Ribarica, Cesarica, Lukovo Šugarje, Barić Draga and Sv. Marija Magdalena, and on the Velebit there is Baške Oštarije.

Karlobag is a locality of the Mediterranean and the continental Velebit style, with a rich and varied culinary offer. Karlobag has a Mediterranean climate and in September the weather is still pleasant and warm. The average daily temperature in summer is 28°C and the sea temperature in summer is around 25°C. There are plenty of sunny days even during winter.

How many national parks and nature parks have you visited so far in Croatia?

Croatia has 8 national parks, 11 nature parks and a large number of natural reserves. The vast
majority of us visited at least one part of this invaluable natural wealth.
However, the question arises as to how truly you have experienced these protected natural oases?
Not just as a regular visitor, but looking at awakening or calming nature with a sunset or sunset?
How deeply did you feel the tastes, smells and sounds of nature in spring, summer, autumn or
winter? What kind of activities did you engage in nature parks and national parks?
It is usually the answer and justification to live very fast, that life simply passes by us, and that for
all these beautiful and desirable experiences we have not enough money or time or ...
CAMPING near PARKS in CROATIA is a project that combines national parks and nature parks with
activities and affordable accommodation on camping pitches or in mobile homes close to untouched
nature in parks.

Ako ste mislili svoj ljetni odmor provesti uživajući u apsolutnom miru, ne radeći ništa, nemojte ni pomišljati na Karlobag jer Karlobažani su za svoje goste osmislili aktivno ljeto krcato događanjima i mogućnostima.Karlobažani su za Vas pripremili veselo i nezaboravno ljeto...
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How many national parks and nature parks have you visited so far in Croatia?

Croatia has 8 national parks, 11 nature parks and a large number of natural reserves. The vast
majority of us visited at least one part of this invaluable natural wealth.
However, the question arises as to how truly you have experienced these protected natural oases?
Not just as a regular visitor, but looking at awakening or calming nature with a sunset or sunset?
How deeply did you feel the tastes, smells and sounds of nature in spring, summer, autumn or
winter? What kind of activities did you engage in nature parks and national parks?
It is usually the answer and justification to live very fast, that life simply passes by us, and that for
all these beautiful and desirable experiences we have not enough money or time or ...
CAMPING near PARKS in CROATIA is a project that combines national parks and nature parks with
activities and affordable accommodation on camping pitches or in mobile homes close to untouched
nature in parks.


By filling in this questionnaire, you will have contributed to improving the quality and development of tourism in Karlobag, which is one of the desirable holiday destinations.

Questionnaire >>


Tourist Board Karlobag

Trg Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
Karlobag 53288

00385 (0)53 694 251

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