10. The Theresiana Educational Trail

The Theresiana was built in 1786 as a better connection between Gospić, the Regiment Headquarters of the time, and the free port of Karlobag.

The order to build a new, modern road was given by Emperor Joseph II. The road was named after his mother Mary Theresa. Wishing to inform people of the culturalimportance of the Theresiana, the public institution of Velebit Nature Park arranged one part of the educational trail.

The trailis exclusively for pedestrians and it is particularly interesting due to the region it crosses where in a small area oneexperiences the two Velebit faces in their complete beauty.

The educational trailbegins in Baške Oštarije (924m above sea level.), and descends to Konjsko village (655m/above sea level) 3 km in length. Thisis the longer walking tour and lasts from 2.5 – 3 h. A shorter tour of about 1.5 h is also offered.

Tourist Board Karlobag

Trg Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
Karlobag 53288

00385 (0)53 694 251

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