11. The Premužić Trail

The Premužić Trail was named after the construction engineer Ante Premužić who designed it in 1930, while the construction it self was finished in 1933. The trail crosses the most beautiful and most interesting parts of the North Velebit.

A beautiful view spreads over the Adriatic Sea and the islands of Pag, Rab, Goli, Prvić and Krk, and onto the Lika hinterland from the continental side.

The cultural heritage of the park manifests itself in the numerous remains of old cattle lodgings, houses, drystone walls witnesses of times gone when this region was settled by a greater number of people that later left and settled around the world leaving only traces of their presence in this exceptionally beautiful and unique area.

Tourist Board Karlobag

Trg Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
Karlobag 53288

00385 (0)53 694 251

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