2. The fortress Fortica and Kava - Mediterranean garden

At the beginning of the Middle Ages the new settlement of Scrissa or Bag developed next to the sea, in the Fortica area. Remains of a small four-corner fortress from the 13th or 14th cent are situated on a higher plateau with a defense tower in the center and at 250 meter above sea level. The fortress is completely of private ownership.

A chaplain and a small crew were constantly in the fortress and they provided for the security of the town and supervised the navigation of vessels towards Pag. Remains of the water supply cistern have been preserved. The current and arranged Kava Mediterranean Garden with an exhibition of private owned mosaics.

The name Kava (quarry) refers to the possibility that there may have been a quarry but it is more probable that in the area there were military dormitories. Today there are luxuriant gardens with squares and other buildings.

Tourist Board Karlobag

Trg Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
Karlobag 53288

00385 (0)53 694 251

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