7. Baške Oštarije

Baške Oštarije lie on the Velebit, at 924 n N/V in the western part of Lika, in the micro-region of the Lika basin of moun- tainous Croatia, at 18 km from Karlobag.

The locality bore the name Oštarije until 1900 when it was changed into Baške Oštarije. The locality is divided into ham- lets: Raketa, Ripište, Stupačinovo, Takalice, Prpić polje. St. Elisabeth’c Church in Oštarije was built in 1855 in the parish of the Holy Virgin Mary from Baške Oštarije founded in 1820. Gospić University Registrar’s Office of the Gospić-Senj Diocese.

Tourist Board Karlobag

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Karlobag 53288

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